Impressions are not Touchpoints

There are seemingly countless websites out there. Every minute, 571 new websites go live. Internet users going through websites very quickly, skimming content and then leaving in an average of 15 seconds. Think about your own web-surfing habits and you will probably agree. Web […]

Tune Up Your Marketing Team

Not reaching and converting the numbers of people you want? Replacing your marketing team is not the answer. Tune that team up! When you want to reach and convert more people, empowering and training your team to know their limits […]

5 Reasons to Stop the Feud Between Marketing and Sales

In B2B, I often hear people talking about the relationship between marketing and sales. This is very disturbing, because the difference is most of the time presented in a type of conflict of resources and activity. When sales are down, sales […]

Emailing: What Would Can-Spam Do? (WWC-SD)


As I am building my next mass-email campaign, I was wondering WWC-SD (What Would Can-Spam Do?). Can-Spam establishes the standards in sending commercial emails. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforces these rules. For most of us marketing professionals, considering Can-Spam […]

Two Words for 2016: Scientific Marketing

Measuring individuals’ feelings and perceptions can be complex, especially when they are not always clearly expressed by customers and prospects. Advocates of factoring feelings into marketing strategies state that “people don’t always know what they want anyways, that their emotions […]